Table 117
Troubleshooting Test Steps
4. Perform a Pull Test on Each Wire Terminal Connection
A. Ensure that the locking wedge for the connector is installed cor-
rectly. Terminals cannot be retained inside the connector if the lock-
ing wedge is not installed correctly.
B. Perform the 30 N (6.7 lb) pull test on each wire. Each terminal
and each connector should easily withstand 30 N (6.7 lb) of ten-
sion and each wire should remain in the connector body. This test
checks whether the wire was correctly crimped in the terminal and
whether the terminal was correctly inserted into the connector.
Pull test OK
A wire has been pulled from a terminal or a terminal
has been pulled from the connector in the 30 N (6.7 lb) pull
Replace the terminal. Replace damaged connectors, as
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all logged di-
agnostic codes and then verify that the repair eliminates the
All terminals pass the pull test.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
5. Check Individual Pin Retention into the Socket
A. Verify that the sockets provide good retention for the pins. Insert
a new pin into each socket one at a time in order to check for a
good grip on the pin by the socket.
The sockets
provide good
retention for
the new pin.
Terminals are damaged.
Replace the damaged terminals. Verify that the repair elimi-
nates the problem.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all logged di-
agnostic codes and then verify that the repair eliminates the
The terminals are OK.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
6. Check the Locking Mechanism of the Connectors
A. Ensure that the connectors lock correctly. After locking the con-
nectors, ensure that the two halves cannot be pulled apart.
B. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is correctly latched. Also
verify that the latch tab of the connector returns to the locked
The connec-
tors are
locked and
are not
The locking mechanism for the connector is dam-
aged or missing.
Repair the connector or replace the connector, as required.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all logged di-
agnostic codes and then verify that the repair eliminates the
The connectors are in good condition.
Reconnect all connectors. If there are still active diagnostic
codes, refer to Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic Trouble Codes”.
Injector Code - Calibrate
Injector codes are seven digit alphanumerical codes
that are supplied with each injector. The code is
printed on the injector . The code is used by the
Electronic Control Module (ECM) to balance the
performance of the injectors.
The electronic service tool is used to load the injector
codes into the ECM.
The injector codes must be loaded into the ECM if
any of the following conditions occur:
• An electronic unit injector is replaced.
• The ECM is replaced.
• Electronic unit injectors are exchanged between
• A 630-2 diagnostic code is active.
If the ECM is replaced, the injector codes are
normally transferred to the new ECM as part of the
Copy Configuration
procedure. If the
procedure fails, the injector codes
must be loaded manually.
Installing Injector Codes
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE