Table 10
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for High Coolant Temperature
J1939 Code
Engine Coolant Temperature : High - least
severe (1)
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects that the coolant temperature
is greater than 110° C (230° F) for at least 0.5 seconds. The code will be
reset if the coolant temperature is less than 110° C (230° F) for at least
0.5 seconds.
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnos-
tic code.
Engine Coolant Temperature : High - moder-
ate severity (2)
The Electronic Control Module (ECM detects that the coolant temperature
is greater than 112° C (233.6° F) for at least 0.5 seconds. The code will be
reset if the coolant temperature is less than 110° C (230° F) for at least
0.5 seconds.
If equipped, the warning lamp will flash. The ECM will log the diagnostic
Probable Causes
• Diagnostic codes
• Coolant level
• Coolant temperature sensor
• Radiator and hoses
• Radiator cap and pressure relief valve
• Water temperature regulator
• Engine cooling fan
• Quality of coolant
• Coolant pump
• Cylinder head gasket
Recommended Actions
The procedures have been listed in order of
probability. Complete the procedures in order.
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE