(Table 88, contd)
Troubleshooting Test Steps
9. Check the Start Signal Voltage at the ECM Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the P1 connector from the ECM.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not attempt to start
the engine.
D. Use a suitable multimeter to measure the voltage between P1:8
and a suitable ground.
E. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
10 V to 14 V
The voltage is within the expected range.
Proceed to Test Step 10.
There is no voltage present.
Contact the Dealer Solution Network (DSN).
10. Check the Start Signal Voltage at the Keyswitch
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the electrical connector for the ignition keyswitch.
C. Disconnect the wire from the start signal
terminal on the
connector for the ignition keyswitch.
D. Reconnect the electrical connector for the ignition keyswitch.
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not attempt to start
the engine.
F. Use a suitable multimeter to measure the voltage between the
start signal
terminal on the connector for the ignition key-
switch and a suitable ground.
10 V to 14 V
The measured voltage is within the ex-
pected range.
Install a replacement ignition keyswitch.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair elimi-
nates the fault.
The measured voltage is not within the
expected range.
The fault is in the start signal wiring between the
ignition keyswitch and the ECM.
Check all wiring between the ignition keyswitch
and the ECM. Refer to the Electrical Schematic
for the application.
Replace the faulty wiring.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair elimi-
nates the fault.
Complete the procedure in the order in which the
steps are listed.
If the procedure did not correct the issue, Contact the
Dealer Solution Network (DSN).
This procedure covers the following diagnostic code:
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