(Table 71, contd)
Troubleshooting Test Steps
6. Check that the IVS is Grounded
A. Disconnect the IVS harness connector.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
C. Use a suitable multimeter to measure the voltage between the
IVS terminal on the harness connector the ground terminal on the
harness connector.
D. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
7.9 V to 12.2 V
The voltage is within the expected range.
Proceed to Test Step 9.
The voltage is not within the expected
range. The fault is in the ground wire for the sus-
pect IVS.
Replace the faulty wiring. Refer to the OEM for
more information on the wiring for the IVS.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair elimi-
nates the fault.
7. Check the Application Harness for an Open Circuit
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect IVS. Disconnect the
P1 connector.
C. If the IVS 1 is suspect, use a suitable multimeter to measure the
resistance between the IVS terminal on the harness connector to
If the IVS 2 is suspect, use a suitable multimeter to measure the
resistance between the IVS terminal on the harness connector to
Less than 5 Ohms
The measured resistance is less than 5
Proceed to Test Step 8.
The measured resistance is greater than
5 Ohms.
There is an open circuit or high resistance in the
wiring between the IVS and the ECM.
Replace the faulty wiring.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair elimi-
nates the fault.
8. Check the Application Harness for a Short Circuit
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the suspect IVS connector. Disconnect the P1
C. If the IVS 1 is suspect, use a suitable multimeter to measure the
resistance between P1:76 and all other terminals on the P1
If the IVS 2 is suspect, use a suitable multimeter to measure the
resistance between P1:42 and all other terminals on the P1
Greater than 1 k Ohm
All resistance measurements are greater
than 1 k Ohm.
Contact the Dealer Solution Network (DSN).
At least one of the measured resistances
is less than 1 k Ohm.
There is a short in the wiring between the connec-
tor for the suspect IVS and the P1 connector.
Replace the faulty wiring.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair elimi-
nates the fault.
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