Typical Installa on Breaker Box
Class A 50 amp, 120/240 volt, GFCI
TO BE NOTED: Installa on of this GFCI Circuit
Breaker, including ampere sizing and choice of
wire must be made by a quali
ed electrician, in
accordance with the Na onal Electrical Code,
and all applicable federal, state and local codes
and regula ons in e
ect at the me of
installa on.
TO BE NOTED: The white neutral wire from
the back of the GFCI Circuit Breaker MUST be
connected to an incoming Line Neutral. The
internal mechanism of the GFCI requires this
Neutral connec on for proper GFCI func on.
Ground to Swim Spa
Ground Input
Load 120V
(Black) To Swim Spa
Load 120V
(Red) To Swim Spa
Load Neutral
(White) To Swim Spa
To Swim Spa (OUTPUT)
Line (BLACK)
House Input
Line (RED)
House Input
Pig Tail (WHITE) From GFCI
Breaker Going to Neutral
Bar in Box
Load Neutral Bar
Line Neutral (WHITE)
House Input
From House (INPUT)
6 Gauge Copper Wire MUST Be Used
Test GFCI Monthly and Prior to Each Use.
All PDC Swim Spa Units must be installed with an approved G.F.C.I. in accordance with all
applicable codes. Installa on of G.F.C.I. varies among those manufacturers. Follow each
manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure proper opera on and protec on of swim spa occupants.
This diagram is a “Typical” installa on to be used only as a reference for the installing electrician.
Ground Bar A ached
To Box Input & Output
Electrical Guidelines—State
Side Installa ons