WaveStar Static Transfer Switch 2000A 3-Pole
Ctrl Nr: PM375118-004
Customer Communications Connections
Customers establish communications with the STS 2000A through these connections:
Ethernet connection, supporting several protocols and STS features
Contractor Board connections, including:
Dry contact signals
Modbus RTU
Modem landline (9600 baud dial) for summary alarm notification
Multi-Switch Link Option, supporting an N+1 UPS configuration
All communications protocols and options can be used simultaneously.
Contractor Boards
Customer connections are made through either of two PCBs, a Basic Contractor Board or an Enhanced
Contractor Board, providing connection points for dry contacts, communications ports, and Remote EPO.
The Contractor Board is installed near the base of the STS, attached to an interior front enclosure panel
behind the locked outer doors and accessible through its own small panel door (Figure 10).
The following sections describe the formats of the Basic and Enhanced Contractor Boards.
The Contractor Board (Basic or Enhanced) is
installed in a protected enclosure that is
attached to the rear of an interior front panel.
For making or changing connections, access
the Contractor Board through its own front
panel door.
Figure 10 Contractor Board Access