© PCE Instruments
An operator sets the following values in the corresponding menu lines:
- "Test mode"
– test mode. Can be "Expert" and "Simple". In "Simple" mode the part of
operating settings is not displayed.
- "Max smp frequency"
– measurement frequency for the "TEST" mode. Samplings frequency in
Hz (sampling frequency of ECP per 1 second) from 1 kHz to 10 kHz. If the value of the selected
frequency from a fixed number of measurement set a given operating frequency of ECP is not
supported, then the instrument will automatically determine the maximum possible frequency of
- "Double frequency mode"
– activated when there is a possibility to remove the interfering
factor by means of frequencies mixing.
- "Persistence"
– time value, on the expiry of which all data on the flaw detector screen is
deleted (at the switched on "Persistence"), from (0.1 s, 0.5 s, 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, 4 s);
"Сolor scheme" – 1. "Light" - for operation with faint outer lighting; 2. "Dark" - for operation with
intense outer lighting; 3. "Standard"
– standard scheme.
- "Brightness"
– display brightness in % - from 10 to 100 with a step of 10%;
- "Rounds"
– the number of full turns of rotating ECP displayed in time chats.
- "Sound"
– sound alarm if the ALARM triggers.
- "Language" - language selection.
1) Internal
– synchronization from inner generator;
2) Enc
– synchronization from encoder;
Cenc (pulses/mm)
– number of pulses per 1 mm generated by encoder – from 10 to10000
pulses/mm with a step of 1; 10; 100; 1000 pulses/mm;
- N meas/mm
– number of measurements per 1 mm.
- "Input"
– active connector for ECP – 1) Single (for single coil ECP), 2) Refl (for other ECP);
- "Date"
– selection of current date (year, month, date);
- "Time"
– selection of current time (hours, minutes, seconds)
4 Cenc value (pulses/mm) is indicated in the registration certificate for the scanning device
where an encoder (Enc) is used