© PCE Instruments
Figure 21
– Entering the conductivity value for the sample Cond 2
To put on the sample with Cond 1 conductivity the gap element (20 mil [0.5 mm]), set the eddy
current probe on the sample and press
Figure 22
– Entering the gap value for setting on the Cond 1 sample
After carrying out the setting up procedure, you can proceed with the measurement of electric
conductivity at real objects. During the operation it is required periodically to check the accuracy
of measurement of electric conductivity at calibration blocks.
In case, the value measured at calibration block differs from the nominal one and exceeds the
measurement tolerance, then it is required to reactivate the operating setup and perform the
adjustment at calibration blocks.
In case, the ambient and test object temperature will be different from 20 ˚С (68˚
F), then the displayed value will be with an error.