© PCE Instruments
Quick selection to "TEST", "SETTINGS", "VIEW", "MEMORY",
"CALIBRATION" inserts is carried out by pressing
"Hot keys" which are operated by "F1", "F2", "F3" function keys are situated
on the keypad of the flaw detector:
− F1 (Balancing)
– to balance the signal (place it in the screen center) and
clear the flaw detector screen;
− F2 (Full-screen mode) – the complex plane and time chart is maximized to
fill the entire screen.
− F3 (Clearing) – clear the flaw detector screen;
– it is hardware compensation of input signal. It is carried out
by summation of input signal with reference signal of the same amplitude but
opposite in phase. Current procedure is conducted after preamplifier
according to radio signal (before signal detecting). Balancing algorithm is
iterative and takes some time. The procedure is necessary for ECP non-
balance voltage compensation. After the balancing of flaw detector the
centering is carried out automatically.
Balancing should be applied in case if:
− ECP type was changed;
− One of following parameters was changed: ECP frequency, gain
coefficient, preamplification coefficient, ECP excitation voltage;
− Testing object was changed;
− The auto-adjustment of ECP was activated (if Single input was used).
Clearing should be used if persistence is switched off.
F, Hz"- operating frequency of probe
; varied in the range
from 10 Hz to 16 MHz with a step of 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000,
100000, 1000000, 10000000 Hz.
Here you adjust the test frequency of the probe that is connected to the
instrument. The frequency depends on the probe you use and the
application at hand. You can select the frequency between 10 Hz and 16
Balancing of the flaw detector is required after the ECP operating frequency
was set or changed. Also, the balancing should be carried out after the ECP
replacement. If the flaw detector was once balanced and its operating
frequencies were not changed, it is possible to carry out centring.
Operating frequency of probe is selected from the rage of frequencies
indicated in the registration certificate for the given ECP.