© PCE Instruments
- automatically puts a displayed signal from lift-off (or from
any interference) in horizontal position;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter
- changes the parameter variation step;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter
- increases the selected parameter;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter
- changes the frequency;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter
- moves up through the menu;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter
- decreases the selected parameter;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter
- cancels the selection;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter;
- pressing the key results in displaying the firmware version
in "SETTINGS" menu;
delete point in “CALIBRATION" menu;
- freeze the display in the test menu
- moves down through the menu;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter
- confirms the selection;
- in the mode of name editing
– selects a digit/letter;
- pressing the key in "TEST" menu results in saving of
current setup as a default one (if the current item is above
the ALARM item);
add point in “CALIBRATION" menu
- quick access to "TEST" menu
- quick access to "SETTINGS" menu