The Sweater
Dividing work for neck opening
From a yarn ball in main yarn take a length of yarn measuring about 1 metre.
Using this piece of yarn cast off the centre eight
stitches, beginning with needle 4 right of centre
These stitches will thus remain on the needles of the
machine but will not be knitted off.
Set row counter at 000 (zero).
Push the 8 empty needles right back to Non Working
Position *.
Push all the needles on the left of the cast off section
to Rest Position****.
Work the second shoulder part according to the block
diagram. That is, decrease at left as follows: on every
alternate row minus 3 stitches, minus 2 stitches, minus
3 times 1 stitch. Then on every 4th row minus 1 stitch
three times in all.
28 rows after dividing for the neck, cast off the stitches
of the right shoulder part.
Knit one row Lock B Nil.
This will return the needles of the left shoulder part to
Working Position* *, and enable you to knit the left
shoulder part as given for the right part but with
reversed shapings.