Fairisle in Tuck Stitch
Fairisle in Tuck Stitch
These patterns are knitted on Lock setting B III. Contrary to normal Fairisle the needles only have to be re-arranged
every alternate row.
Push all needles that have a cross on the first and second row of squares to Rest Position
Knit 2 rows Lock B III in main colour.
Push all needles that were in Rest P osition**** to Advanced Working Position***.
Push all needles with no cross on the first and second row of squares to Rest P osition****.
Knit 2 rows Lock B III in trimming colour. Knit 3rd and 4th row of squares in the same way, and so on.
In our example we have knitted 2 rows trimming colour before starting the Fairisle motif, and ended with 8 rows main
colour after the Fairisle motif.