The Sweater
Cast on for 2:1 rib
Pick up the black pattern ruler, i.e. the one where the teeth are closer
together. Its teeth will fit behind every third needle.
Push every third needle to Rest Position****.
Begin with needle 49 at right of centre and continue to
needle 48 at left of centre.
Fit the feeding eyelet with the trimming colour into the
lock; that is your second colour of which you have less
Stitch size 5
Lock A llll
Knit one row
Beginning with needle 49 left of centre push every
third needle to Rest P osition****.
Knit one row.
Repeat the pushing forward of needles and the knitting of the first and second needle group (Illustrations 54 and 55).
Knitting in stocking stitch = Lock B III
Knit 10 rows, hanging edge weights on the knitting after about 6 rows.
Change to the main colour, i.e. first colour. Knit 34 rows for the welt.