Double Intarsia
Double Intarsia
Double intarsia is knitted on Lock setting B II.
The needles are in Working Position**, and the needles intended for knitting the second yarn are pushed to Advanced
Working Position***, and the yarn laid by hand.
O ur example
(You have cast on at least 26 stitches and knitted a few
rows stocking stitch.)
- Push the centre 7 needles to Advanced Working
- Place a second yarn into these needles.
Ensure that all latches are open, and that
there is yarn in every needle in Advanced Working
- At left, hold the yarn you have placed over the
needles loosely in your hand, slightly forward level
with the edge of the table.
Never pull the yarn down vertically.
- Move the lock across the needles.
Continue by pushing 11 needles to Advanced Working
Position * * * for the next row of squares and placing
the second trimming colour over four of these
- Wind the yarn anti-clockwise round the first needle
at left in Advanced Working Position * * *, and only
then place the yarn over the needles.
(If the lock is at right, wind the trimming yarn clockwise
round the first needle at right in Advanced Working
This pattern motif will give a relief effect since twice as
many rows have been knitted for the motif as have
been for the background at right and left of it.