TurbiTechw² LR Instruction Manual
1 Foreword
The TurbiTechw² family of sensors are the latest version of the TurbiTech range. The 'w²' in the product title
denotes compatibility with the Waterwatch² range. The sensors are designed for use with the 7300w²
Monitor. The term TurbiTech is used for any Partech self-cleaning, Suspended Solids or Turbidity Sensor.
The TurbiTechw² LR Sensor has been specifically designed to monitor final treated, potable and filter water.
The sensor is extremely sensitive and is capable of discriminating changes in Turbidity of less than 0.1 NTU.
The 90° light scatter monitoring technique makes the sensor sensitive to a wide range of particle sizes, from
colloidal material through to larger particles and raw waters and the large mineral particles sometimes found
in distribution samples.
The sensor requires very little maintenance, with no special tools or training required. Calibration can be
carried out against either a wet Turbidity standard or using the dry calibration reference cell that is supplied
with every sensor. The reference cell provides an extremely easy, repeatable method of checking the
performance of the sensor without the cost and inherent errors associated with chemical standards.
The TurbiTechw² LR Sensor complies with the internationally recognised ISO7027 standard for Turbidity
measurement. The unique sensor design captures stray light which ensures an ultra stable zero point, this is
combined with an automatic self-cleaning mechanism that prevent the build up of fouling within the sample
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225769IM - Issue - 05 Issue Date 30/04/2019
TurbiTechw² LR Sensor