TurbiTechw² LR Instruction Manual
time. The maximum flow rate is 5 l/min, flow rates higher than this can cause problems with pressure
and turbulence.
5.3.3 Sample Pressure
The sensor is not intended as a pressure containing vessel, however a small positive pressure across
the cell is desirable for maintaining a smooth flow and to keep gases dissolved in solution. The
maximum operating pressure is 1 Bar.
5.4 Optional Accessories
Bubbles in the sample will cause false high and/or unstable readings, micro-bubbles can be generated
if the sample pressure is reduced prior to passing through the flowcell. A De-Bubbler is available, but
will generally not improve situations where micro-bubbles are problematic. For evening out erratic flow,
including occasional air intrusions, the De-Bubbler is an ideal solution. Please talk to Partech about
options for mitigating sample conditioning issues.
Note, when fitting the De-Bubbler, please ensure the outlet is positioned minimum 300mm higher than
the inlet to the flow cell. This will ensure the flowcell has a minimum of 300mm head of pressure.
Adjust the flow through the De-Bubbler “Sample Inlet” high enough to allow a flow out of the De-
Bubbler vent. Once a flow is established, allow to settle for a few minutes, then reduce the flow until
the Vent flow just stops (a small dribble from the vent is preferable to allow for small fluctuations in the
flow). The De-Bubbler is now correctly set.
5.4.1 Optional Flow Verification Detector
The flow verification detector is an optional extra for the measuring system. The flow verification
detector is fitted in-line with the overflow drain outlet. Once connected to the system, the flow
verification detector will provide a signal when no flow is detected.
225769IM - Issue - 05 Issue Date 30/04/2019
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