TurbiTechw² LR Instruction Manual
5 Mechanical Installation
5.1 Operation Limits
5.1.1 Temperature
The upper operational temperature limit is restricted to 60°C. At low temperatures the limit of operation
is 0°C with the practical limitation being ice formation in the sample. The construction of the sensor is
such that condensation should not present a problem.
5.1.2 Pressure
The standard flowcell provided is not intended for high-pressure applications and should not be
subjected to internal pressures in excess of 1 Bar.
5.1.3 Maximum Levels
High turbidity levels can cause fouling problems that will require manual intervention. An inherent
feature of the principal of operation of the TurbiTechw² Sensor is that at very high turbidity levels the
sensor output will be seen to reduce, this can in some circumstances produce false low readings.
5.1.4 Material Compatibility
Care should also be taken to ensure material compatibility between the media being monitored and
the wetted parts of the assembly. The principle wetted parts are black Acetal Co-Polymer,
Polypropylene, with Glass Lens. If you are in any doubt about chemical compatibility please contact
Regulations governing the use of equipment in contact with potable water exist and these need to be
understood by the user of this product. It is Partech's belief that the low surface area in contact with
the potable water and the normal installation practise of feeding the sample stream to waste mean that
this product is suitable for use in potable water treatment processing.
5.2 Sensor Components
The TurbiTechw² Sensor comprises of the transmitting module (light source), receive optics, cleaning
mechanism, drain valve, and interface unit.
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