ASLD2200 - Instruction Manual
8 Scraper Clearance
In certain applications such as those where the ASLD2200 is installed on a fixed bridge above a moving scraper it is
necessary to bring the sensor above the water surface to prevent damage to the sensor.
The ASLD2200 allows the user to instruct the sensor to rise to 100% to allow the scraper to pass and then return to
the tank to continue measurement.
It is recommended that the installer consult Partech before starting installation to ensure that the correct measures are
taken to prevent damage to either instrument or to the scraper mechanism.
Under normal circumstance it is possible to place a detector ahead of the bridge that will provide the ‘up’ command
and another sensor after the bridge that will provide the ‘down’ command.
These external sensors can be wired in parallel to the up and down button on the outside of the enclosure using
terminals 1 to 3.
8.1 Bridge Clearance Control
Associated with the scraper clearance function is the Bridge Clearance adjustment, this allows the sensor to come
clear of the water to allow the scraper to pass. To adjust use the following steps:
Raise the sensor to the surface using the rotary switch.
Select ‘motor off’
Turn off power
Set RESET MODE SWITCH to the LEFT (White Ident to the right)
Turn on power
Select ‘motor up’ and turn the bridge clearance control clockwise until the sensor is raised far enough to allow the
scraper to pass. This can be set to a maximum of 110%.
Return the unit to ‘automatic’ and press down to return to measurement.
If power is temporarily lost the sensor will rise to the surface on power up and remain there until the scraper passes
after which it will return to automatic measurement.
103370IM Issue 10 Date 19/03/2018
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