April 2002
Download Code
Download Code Menu Option
The Download Code menu option (A-F) allows you to upgrade your software with a
new version of code, then apply this code to your system.
New firmware releases are typically applied to the MCC card, DSL cards, and/or
endpoints in your system.
When a software upgrade affects both the MCC and all DSL cards, you must
download and apply a new version of code into each of the DSL cards before you
download and apply a new version of code into the MCC. However, if you are
upgrading from MVL to ReachDSL, you must ensure that the MCC card is at a
minimum revision level of 04.01.16 before you upgrade the MVL card to
ReachDSL. Otherwise, you must upgrade the MCC card first. If the DSLAM
contains cards other than MVL, ensure their revision level(s) are up to the MCC
card’s minimum revision level of 04.01.16 before you attempt to upgrade the MCC.
For all DSL cards other than ReachDSL v2, the upgrade order should be:
1. Endpoints
2. DSL cards
3. MCC card