1.7 Control Panel (Figure 1-6)
Please refer to the Chapter4 – the description of operation for detailed explanation.
Figure 1-6
LCD Display Screen:
various functional and error messages are displayed here.
Power LED:
it lights up when the power is on.
4 Arrow Keys:
used to move the carriage or sheet or changing setting.
Enter Key:
used to set item, registers the immediately preceding input value.
Pause/Resume Key:
temporarily halts cutting in process or continues.
used to stop the cutting job or aborting the change of the setting.
Cut Test Key:
executes a cutting test for verifying the blade force and offset are correct.
Data Clear Key:
used to abort the data being received.
Tool Select Key:
used to select tools and set the conditions.
Misc. Key:
used to selecting items mentioned in Chapter 4.
Speed Key:
used to selecting the cutting speed, up-speed, and cutting quality.
Force Key:
used to select the cutting force.
Offset Key:
used to adjust the setting value of the blade offs.
1. Your Sign Cutting Plotter 1-5