Our products are warranted to be free from defects i n material and workm anship at the time
of sale but our obl igat ion under thi s warranty is l imit ed to the repl acement of any product
proved to be defective withi n 6 mont hs (for product) or 90 days (for printers ) from t he date
of delivery. Pri nter warranty is void if Panduit printers are modified, altered or misused in
any way. Use of Panduit print ers with any product other than the specified Panduit product s
for which the pri nter was designed, consti tutes m isuse. Before using, user shall determi ne the
suitabili ty of the product for his int ended use and user assumes al l risk and liabili ty
whatsoever in connection t herewit h.
This warranty i s made in li eu of and excludes all ot her warranties, expressed or i mplied.
PARTICULAR USE ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED. Nei ther sel ler nor manufacturer
shal l be li able for any other injury, loss or damage, whether direct or consequent ial , aris ing
out of the us e of, or t he inabili ty to use the product.
The informat ion contained in this lit erat ure is bas ed on our experience to dat e and i s beli eved
to be reli able. It is intended as a guide for use by persons having techni cal ski ll at their own
discretion and risk. We do not guarantee favorable result s or ass ume any l iabi lity in
connect ion wi th its use. Dim ensions contained herein are for reference purposes only. For
specific di mens ional requirements consult the fact ory. This publicat ion is not to be t aken as a
license t o operate under, or a recommendation t o infringe any exi sting patents. Thi s
supersedes and voids all previ ous literature, etc.
Summary of Contents for LS7
Page 1: ......
Page 3: ...ii...
Page 4: ...1 Getting started...
Page 17: ...14 Print head Print head Rollers Cotton swab Gently wipe off this black line...
Page 20: ...17 For your information...
Page 74: ......