The Web GUI
RX RS-232 Zone 1
Each of these drop-down lists refer to the setting for the RS-232 1 port on the receiver. Click the
button to
accept the settings.
Baud rate
Sets the baud rate. The following options are available: 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400,
56000, 57600, 115200.
Data bit
Sets the number of data bits used to represent each character of data. The following
options are available: 7 or 8.
Sets the parity bit, which can be included with each character to detect errors during
the transmission of data. The following options are available: None, Odd, or Even.
Stop bit
Sets the stop bit. Stop bits are sent at the end of each character, allowing the client
to detect the end of a character stream. The following options are available: 1 or 2.