The WV-ASC970 is distributed video security system software capable of supporting up to 64 security system
domains. The WV-ASC970 system domain can work as a standalone system or together with other domains to
form a large-scale video security system.
The WV-ASC970 can be installed with a specified standard Server PC running specified Linux OS.
For each Server PC based domain, it not only manages Network devices based IP video switch node, but also sup-
ports SX650 matrix-based analog video switch node.
WV-ASC970 CD-ROM includes both system software and administration console software (Admin Console). The
Administration Console software is installed on Windows based PC and can creates both local and global database
for Domain Servers.
Trademarks and Registered Trademarks
• Microsoft, Windows, and Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Other names of companies and products contained in these operating instructions may be trademarks or regis
tered trademarks of their respective owners.
Network Security
As you will use this product connected to a network, your attention is called to the following security risks.
1. Leakage or theft of information through this product.
2. Use of this product for illegal operations by persons with malicious intent.
3. Interference with or stoppage of this product by persons with malicious intent.
It is your responsibility to take precautions such as those described below to protect yourself against the above
network security risks.
• Use this product in a secured network.
• If this product is connected to a network that includes PCs, make sure that the system is not infected by com
puter viruses or other malicious entities (using a regularly updated anti-virus program, anti-spyware program,
• Protect your network against unauthorized access by restricting users to those who log in with an authorized
user name and password.
• Apply measures such as user authentication to protect your network against leakage or theft of information,
including image data, and authentication information (user names and passwords).