Check the Network Trouble Log
The network log (network event) will be displayed in list form.
Screenshot 1
Display the [Control] tab.
Step 1
Click the [Network Log] button in the [Log] box of the
[Control] tab.
Screenshot 2
The network trouble log (the NW log window) will be dis-
played in list form below the [Control] tab. Refer to page
54 for further information about the network trouble log.
Step 2
Click the [List] button to close the NW log window.
• Up to 1 000 network trouble logs can be kept. When
more than 1 000 event logs are filed, the older event
logs will be overwritten by the newer event logs.
• When the same trouble as the one recorded on the
latest log occurred, only the latest log will be updat-
• Live images will not be refreshed correctly while the
displayed logs are being refreshed.