Frequently Asked Questions
Check the following points once more before requesting repair.
No wireless connection can be made between my projector and my computer.
• Is Wireless Manager ME 3.0 running?
Wireless Manager ME 3.0 must be started in the computer in order to enable
wireless transmissions of images to the projector.
<When a setting error for the wireless LAN card has been detected>
Is the wireless LAN card effective?
Even if your computer has built-in wireless LAN, the wireless LAN may still be
turned OFF. If so, turn it ON and re-start Wireless Manager ME 3.0. See the
User’s Manual of your computer to learn how to turn the wireless LAN power
Is your wireless LAN card properly recognized on the network?
Sometimes, cards are not correctly recognized by the computer. Check
Windows [Device Manager] to make sure your card has been recognized.
If the Network Adapter is indicated with [?] in [Device Manager], wireless LAN
card installation is not complete. See the User’s Manual of your card and re-
install the card driver.
To display [Device Manager]
Click [Start] → [Control Panel] → [Performance and Maintenance] → [System].
This will bring up the [System Properties] dialog box. Click [Device Manager] in
the [Hardware] tab.
Some wireless LAN cards may allow easy wireless set up connections to
function if drivers are updated.
(Consult the manufacturer of your driver about updates.)