2.11 [4] Extension
PC Programming Manual
Maintenance Console Location
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Programming Manual References
2.8.31 [1-2] Portable Station—Extension No.
Feature Manual References
Extension Name
Specifies the name of the PS.
Not stored.
Value Range
Max. 20 characters
Maintenance Console Location
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Programming Manual References
2.8.31 [1-2] Portable Station—Extension Name
Feature Manual References
Intercept No Answer Time—Day, Lunch, Break, Night
Specifies the length of time until an unanswered call is redirected to the intercept routing destination
in each time mode.
When this setting is set to "0", the system timer is used.
Value Range
0–240 s
Maintenance Console Location
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Programming Manual References
2.9.4 [2-3] Timers & Counters—Dial / IRNA / Recall / Tone—Intercept Routing No Answer (IRNA)—
Day, Lunch, Break, Night