2.11 [4] Extension
PC Programming Manual
Idle: An idle CO line is seized automatically from the programmed trunk groups.
ICM/PDN: An extension line is seized, or, for a PDN extension, an idle PDN button is selected.
F-1–F-12: A CO line programmed for a flexible button (F-1–F-12) is seized. A flexible button
customized as a Single-CO, Group-CO, Loop-CO, or ICD Group button must be selected.
Maintenance Console Location
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Programming Manual References
2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button
Feature Manual References
1.10.3 Line Preference—Outgoing
Incoming Preferred Line
Selects the line on which an incoming call is answered after going off-hook.
Note that even if a specific PDN button is selected here, a call ringing at any PDN button on the
extension will be answered when going off-hook.
Ringing Line
Value Range
No Line: No line is selected. Select a line by pressing the desired Line Access button to answer a call.
Ringing Line: The longest ringing call is selected.
PDN (KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200/KX-TDA600 only): The call arriving at any PDN button is selected.
F-1–F-12: The call arriving at a flexible button (F-1–F-12) is selected. A flexible button customized as
a Single-CO, Group-CO, Loop-CO, or ICD Group button must be selected.
Maintenance Console Location
2.11.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Programming Manual References
2.11.13 [4-2-3] Portable Station—Flexible Button
Feature Manual References
1.10.2 Line Preference—Incoming
Call Waiting Tone Type
Selects the type of Call Waiting tone sent to the busy extension.
CW Tone 1
Value Range
CW Tone 1, CW Tone 2