13033 8-4-16-2
In order to provide you with the most UP-TO-DATE part information, all parts for
this attachment have been moved to our website at
. Please use these diagrams and parts lists to locate replacement parts.
When servicing your attachment, remember to use only original manufacturer
replacement parts. Substitute parts may not meet the standards required for safe, dependable
To facilitate parts ordering when contacting the factory, please have the product control
number (PCN) or model and serial number of your product ready to ensure that you receive
the correct parts for your specific attachment.
The product control number (PCN), model and serial number for your attachment
should be recorded in the space provided on the cover of this manual. This information may be
obtained from the serial number identification plate located on your attachment.
NOTE: Most daily and emergency parts orders (in stock) received by 10:30 A.M.
(Eastern Standard Time) will be shipped UPS Ground the same day received.
UPS Next Day orders must be received by 1:30 PM (Eastern Standard Time.)
(734) 996-9116
(800) 456-7100
For Fax and E-mail Orders
(734) 996-9014
In order to provide you with the most UP-TO-DATE Warranty information, Paladin
Warranty Statement and Warranty Procedures along with Warranty Registration and Claim
Forms have been moved to our website at