Setting Up The Myriad Intelligent Interface (MII) |
Copyright © P Squared Ltd 2013
Not illuminated – The corresponding Cart Player in Myriad is empty.
Solid Red – Cart is cued in Cart Player (or paused) and is ready to start playback.
Solid Green – Cart is playing in Cart Player.
Flashing Orange – Cart has reached the final 10 seconds of playback (before Extro point).
Flashing Red – Cart has reached final 5 seconds of playback (before extro point).
Solid Orange – Cart has reached extro point but is still in Cart Player.
Please remember that these colour change status only apply to the four Myriad / Line Channels and
only when they are switched to Myriad mode (and you are connected to a Myriad playout system).
Starting & Stopping Playback In Myriad From The SRM
In addition to indicating Cart Player status, the Start buttons on the Myriad Channels on the SRM can
also be used to start playback on a corresponding Cart Player and to pause playback once the Cart
Player is playing.
The list below shows the function of pressing the Start button in relation to the corresponding
Myriad Cart Player:
Press Start When Cart Is Cued / Paused (solid red) – This will start playback of the Cart Player
in Myriad.
Press Start When Cart Is Playing (solid green) – This will pause the Cart Player in Myriad.
Preview Cart Player Mode
In addition to the functionality described above, MII also enables the Myriad Cart Players to check
that the fader on the corresponding channel on SRM is in the open of closed position. If the fader is
in the closed position (i.e. all the way down to the bottom) then the Cart Player will automatically
switch into ‘Preview’ mode and this will be represented on screen with ‘Preview’ written across the
Cart Player.
If this mode is enabled, Myriad will not log the item as ‘played’ when compiling ‘on-air’ Play Log
reports or Copyright reports – see Myriad documentation for more detail.
Virtual Mic Live Light
As well as all the functionality above, the SRM also informs Myriad whenever a Microphone Channel
fader is opened and Myriad can display this information as a virtual ‘on air’ light which is displayed in
the right hand corner of Myriad beside the Record Cart Player.