Pollux Small Series – 16M Camera
40 Manual 1.2
External Trigger Timed
In this mode, a rising edge on the synchronization pin is used to trigger the start
of integration and readout. The integration time is defined by a
Exposure Time
The sensor autonomously integrates during this predefined time, after
which the
starts and the image array is readout sequentially. A falling
edge on the synchronization pin does not have any impact on the readout or
integration and subsequent frames are started again for each rising edge. Figure 9
shows the relation between the external trigger signal and the exposure and
readout timing. The Frame Rate may vary depending on the integration time. Again,
the WAIT is optional.
Figure 12.
External trigger timing (Timed)
Exposure starts when the high-active edge of the input trigger is seen. The trigger
can be used by the Camera Link input trigger received on the uplink signal (CC1)
or the Opto-isolated inputs on the power connector (External Trigger In0). The
minimum pulse width of the input trigger is 100µ s. This mode can also provide the
full frame rate, similar to the Free running mode.