Pollux Small Series – 16M Camera
40 Manual 1.2
Frame Rate and Exposure
The frame rate in free-run exposure mode is controlled with the
Frame Rate
The frame period is specified in microseconds. The minimum frame
period of the camera (maximum frame rate) is determined by the output format
and the resolution.
The relation between these parameters is :
Operation Clock = 50 MHz
Line Length = 302 (Full Mode) / 255 (Full Plus Mode) / 608 (Medium mode)
808 (Base 8bit mode) / 1216 (Base 10,12bit mode)
Max Frame Time = (1 / Operation Clock) * Line Length *( 12)
Max Exposure Time = Frame Time
Frame Rate = 1 / Frame Time
Our product automatically calculates maximum exposure according to the frame
rate. For example, in case of 47.0 frame rate, frame time is 20,889 μs and the
exposure time is 20,889 μs.
The Frame rate depends on the frame time and the operation clock. Frame rate is
reciprocal related to frame time.
The camera re-calculates the allowable range for the frame period when the output
format or resolution is changed. The camera will set the frame period to the new
minimum. The range for the exposure times is also re-calculated, and if any current
exposure time is outside of the new range it will be set to the maximum.