Pollux Small Series – 16M Camera
40 Manual 1.2
External Trigger Width
In edge-triggered level-controlled exposure mode the exposure of the frame is
controlled by the active state of the input trigger. The frame period and exposure
commands have no effect in this mode. Timing for this mode is shown in Figure
In this mode, exposure starts when the input trigger transitions into the active
state. Exposure continues until the trigger transitions into the non-active state. The
active state can be set to high. Again, the WAIT is optional.
Figure 13.
Edge-triggered level-controlled exposure timing
The active level of the trigger input defines the integration time. The minimum
pulse width is 100µ s. Exposure of the next frame cannot start until the readout of
the current frame begins. Also, exposure of the next frame cannot end during the
readout of the current frame. To ensure this condition is met the camera does not
look for the end of exposure transition until the readout of the current frame has
completed. This mode can also provide the full frame rate, similar to the Free
running mode.