3 Aim the spray gun into an empty bucket or container.
Squeeze and hold the spray gun trigger until most of
the paint is removed from the high pressure hose.
Before beginning cleaning procedure ensure the pressure control dial is set to clean/
prime setting and the priming lever is in the spray position.
1 Place the inlet hose into a bucket of appropriate
cleaning solution. Place the return hose into an empty
bucket or container.
2 Turn the unit on, ensuring the priming lever is set to
prime. Check the return hose and wait for a constant
stream of cleaning solution to pass out of it. Then set
the priming lever to the spray position.
4 Lock the spray gun trigger. Rotate the spray tip 180° to the cleaning side. Unlock the
spray gun trigger. Squeeze and hold the spray gun trigger to spray the cleaning solution
through the system.
For Water Based Cleaning
We recommend the use of 10-15 litres when performing the cleaning procedure.
For Oil Based Cleaning
We recommend 1-2 litres of the appropriate solvent based cleaner when performing the
cleaning procedure.
If you have not finished painting with your airless sprayer and want to take a short
break (30-60 minutes), do not leave paint sitting inside the pump. Perform steps 3-5 above
to prevent paint from drying inside the pump & hose.
Mineral Turpentine SHOULD NOT be mixed with water at any stage during the
cleaning process.
Once you’re ready to begin work again simply follow the spraying instructions in the user
manual. Once properly primed again, aim the spray gun into a waste bucket and allow 30
seconds for any leftover cleaning solution to be flushed out of the system. Then resume
painting as normal.
If the cleaning solution bucket becomes cloudy with paint during cleaning, skip to
Cleaning of the inlet hose
. Once the inlet filter and hose are clean, re-assemble
them and repeat steps 3-6.
This cleaning process must be followed
immediately after use to prevent paint from drying inside
the pump and hose. Failure to follow this instruction
may permanently seize the paint sprayer.
5 Continue this process until only cleaning solution is ejected from the spray tip. Add
more cleaning solution if all of the paint has not been removed.
6 Move the priming lever to the priming position. Then
switch the unit off and disconnect it from the power
If coating material was water based (acrylic paint), use ONLY water when performing the cleaning
procedure. Use of solvent based cleaning materials on water based paints will result in a new
substance that will be extremely difficult to clean.
If coating material was oil based (enamel paint, lacquer etc.) use ONLY the appropriate cleaning
solution. Read the cleaning instructions printed on the coating material’s label to determine which
cleaning material you need. The following solvent based cleaning products are safe to use in the
airless paint sprayer:
Mineral Turpentine
Paint Thinner