Owandy Visteo – User manual
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4.6 Exposure time
Recommended exposure times in seconds for the Owandy X-ray generators:
Owandy Altis DC
Owandy Elios AC
Current / Voltage
4mA / 65KV
8mA / 70KV
Lower incisor / canine
0.07 – 0.12
0.04 – 0.08
Lower premolar
0.07 – 0.12
0.06 – 0.10
Lower molar
0.12 – 0.16
0.10 – 0.14
Upper incisor / canine
0.07 – 0.12
0.06 – 0.10
Upper premolar
0.09 – 0.14
0.08 – 0.12
Upper molar
0.12 – 0.16
0.10 – 0.14
Reference conditions:
Adult patient, young man or woman of average size
Distance focal spot to sensor
250mm / 9.8inch
Total (inherent) filtration
equivalent to 2mm / 0.08inch Al
The values indicated in the table above can vary from one generator to another. It is the responsibility of
each user to calibrate his/her doses before use.
If an image is over or under-exposed, it can be corrected afterwards with the imaging software (contrast,
brightness, etc.) to improve its visualisation.
The table below allows you to note the exposure times specific to your generator:
Lower incisor / canine
Lower premolar
Lower molar
Upper incisor / canine
Upper premolar
Upper molar