Setting the IP address manually:
1. Go to DHCP and press OK.
2. Select ”
” and press OK to accept selection. If DHCP function is
on, manual changes in ”Subnet mask”, ”Gateway address”, ”Name
server address” and ”IP address” will be ignored.
3. When set IP-settings manually you need to ask correct settings in
that LAN admimistarator.
OBS. Never try to guess the correct settings. Incorrect settings
cause problems, and the network is work properly.
4. Enter the gateway IP-address first
5. Enter the subnet mask address
6. Enter the IP-address
7. Enter the name server IP-address
IP settings
DHCP Off >
Gateway adress >
Subnet mask >
IP address >
Nameserver address >
IP settings
Setting the IP address via DHCP function:
1. Go to DHCP and press OK.
2. Select ”
and press OK to accept selection.
3. Wait approximately one minute. If DHCP is still ”Off” after one minute,
setting the IP address and network settings was not successful. Eit-
her the settings used previously or factory settings have been taken
in use. In this case, the device does not necessarily function in the
network. The reason for this is usually that the required DHCP ser-
vice is not in use in the network, or it is out of order, or the network
cables have not been connected properly. Check the network cable
connections and/or make sure DHCP service is in use.
4. If DHCP is ”On”, device give notification to display it’s new IP-ad-
ress. Then IP address and other network settings was change suc-
cessful. The device now functions in the network.
System settings > Network settings > IP settings
1.3.1 IP settings