11. Maintenance
To keep your Osmo Decking & Flooring Cleaning Machine in good
running condition, please observe the following points:
> Clean brushes regularly. Do not use pressure or steam cleaners on them.
> When not in use, do not leave the machine resting on its brushes, instead
put the machine into the transport position. Always store additional brushes
in an upright position.
> Rotate brushes from front to back regularly or turn them around if necessary.
If the bristles become hard, run the machine over concrete or stone shortly
so that the bristles straighten back out.
1. Always keep the clean water
tank filter clean. To remove the
filter, push the end of the Bowden
cable into the filter holder and
turn it anticlockwise. Clean the
filter under running water and
2. Always keep the nozzles clean.
The above mentioned information is provided to the best of our
knowledge however without any liability. (Version: 08/2020)