DGS-7084GCP-AIO_S SERIES User’s Manual
ORing Industrial Networking Corp
consume up to 48 client state-machines. Choosing the value
"Specific" from the list-box opens up for entering a specific
number of maximum clients on the port (1 to 48).
The switch is "born" with a pool of state-machines, from which all
ports draw whenever a new client is seen on the port. When a
given port's maximum is reached (both authorized and
unauthorized clients count), further new clients are disallowed
access. Since all ports draw from the same pool, it may happen
that a configured maximum cannot be granted, if the remaining
ports have already used all available state-machines.
Two buttons are available for each row. The buttons are only
enabled when authentication is globally enabled and the port's
Admin State is "Auto" or "MAC-Based".
Clicking these buttons will not cause settings changed on the
page to take effect.
Reauthenticate: Schedules a reauthentication to whenever the
quiet-period of the port runs out (port-based authentication). For
MAC-based authentication, reauthentication will be attempted
The button only has effect for successfully authenticated
ports/clients and will not cause the port/client to get temporarily
Reinitialize: Forces a reinitialization of the port/clients and thereby
a reauthentication immediately. The port/clients will transfer to the
unauthorized state while the reauthentication is ongoing.