Related Topics
The Base Module contains the main hardware components of the library. One
Base Module is required per library.
Unpack the Base Module Accessory Kit
Verify that the Base Module kit contains the correct components before installation.
Back rails
10–32 clip nuts (used in racks with square holes)
Assorted screws:
8–32 X 5/8 screws (used with the mounting block)
10–32 X 5/8 screws (used with clip nuts and racks with 10-32 threaded holes)
M5 0.8 X 16 mm screws (used with M5 threaded hole racks)
M6 16 mm screws (used with M6 threaded hole racks)
Hex key (used to manually open a magazine)
Mounting block
Figure 2-2 Base Module Accessory Package Mounting Hardware
Illustration Legend:
1 - Back Rails
2 - Clip Nuts
3 - Screws (Assorted Types)
4 - Hex Key
5 - Mounting Block
Chapter 2
Install the Base Module