Version 1.0.2 - 2020-07-06
Translation of original instruction
DH 40CT | DH 40CTP
The marking "L" means anticlockwise rotation.
Press the button "ON". The drilling milling machine switches on and turns in the preselected
rotation direction.
Switching off the machine
Only press the emergency stop button in a genuine emergency. You should not use the
emergency-stop button to stop the machine during normal operation.
The life time of the emergency stop impact switch is not designed for operational shut-
down of the machine.
Feed for milling
with the hand cranks on the cross table.
Note the different forces acting during synchronous milling and conventional milling on the spin-
dles of the milling table. The cutting forces during synchronous milling tend to be that the tool
will move into the material.
Conventional milling is always to be preferred over synchronous milling.
Only with recirculating ball screws can the use of synchronous milling be undertaken sensibly.
This instruction manual assumes that the drilling milling machine has been obtained without
recirculating ball screws.
The forces and backlash occurring in the spindle nuts leads to "chatter marks" on the surface of
the work piece in synchronous milling.
In conventional milling, the work piece moves with the hand cranks on the milling table opposite
to the direction of rotation of the milling machine.
In synchronous milling, the work piece moves with the hand cranks on the milling table in the
direction of rotation of the milling machine. A smoother surface is obtained compared with con-
ventional milling. So, machining in synchronous milling should only be used for finishing.
Speed setting
Selecting the speed
The correct speed is an important factor for milling. The speed determines the cutting speed by
which the cutting edges cut the material. By selecting the correct cutting speed, the service life
of the tool is increased and the working result is optimized.
The optimum cutting speed mainly depends on the material and on the material of the tool.
Higher speeds are possible with tools (mills) made from hard metal or cutting ceramics than
with tools made from high-alloy high speed steel (HSS). You will achieve the ideal cutting
speed by selecting the correct rotation speed by hand.
We recommend using a machining technology paperback
ISBN 978-3-8085-1473-3 (example, only in German language available). In these reference ta-
ble books you will find all the necessary and additional information. These machining technolo-
gy reference table books should bridge the gap between the predominantly theory-oriented
textbooks and reference & reference table books mostly written with the few theoretical princi-
ples in practice.
Gear selector switch
The speed is selected by means of the gear selector switches. You obtain a total of 12 speed
ranges in connection with the turning direction switch.