UC Series User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. , LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn
Table 2-2-16 Definition of add IVR
IVR Name
Name of this IVR
IVR Description
Description of this ivr
Greeting to be played on entry to the IVR.
Direct Dial
Provides options for callers to direct dial an extension. Direct dialing can be:
Completely disabled
Enabled for all extensions on a system
Amount of time to be considered a timeout
Invalid Retries
Number of time to retry when receiving an invalid/unmatched response from the caller
Invalid Retry
Prompt to be played when an invalid/unmatched response is received, before prompt the
caller to try again
Announcement on
After playing Invalid Retry Recording the system will replay mail IVR Announcement
Return on Invalid
Check this box to have this option return to a parent IVR if it was called from a parent
IVR. If not, it will go to the chosen destination.
The return path will be to any IVR that was in the call path prior to this IVR which could
lead to strange result if there was an IVR called in the call path but not immediately
before this.
Invalid Recording
Prompt to be played before sending the caller to an alternate destination due to the caller
pressing 0 or receiving the maximum amount of invalid/unmatched responses (as