UC Series User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. , LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn
and 88 is the speed dial code we entered.
Some actions that we can perform on the speed dial administration web page are as follows:
Export in CSV: If we click on this link, we can download the current speed dial list.
Import from CSV: We can upload a CSV ile with the format:"Name";Number;Speeddial
Navigate to
PBX > Settings > Functions Code,
switch the Speeddial prefix to Enalbed. DISA
DISA (Direct Inward System Access) allows you to dial in from outside to the Asterisk switch (PBX)
to obtain an "internal" system dial tone. You can place calls from it as if they were placed from
Figure 2-2-24 DISA Interface
When you choose the DISA option to call a number, you will be greeted with “Please enter your
password followed by the pound key” and after entering your password, you will then get a dial tone.
You may start dialing the telephone number.