Click the “Instrument Editor” tab to get back to the GUI of Mr. Ray. Touch the "Strength" knob
using either the touchscreen or the touchpad.
This screen will turn back to the default color and this control learned to the Live Control. Click on
the “Live Controls” tab once again.
Switch Riff over to “Live” mode, play notes on your keyboard, and use the touchscreen to move
the first knob.
Hovering over the first knob shows it to be mapped to Mr. Ray, Param 23 which is Mallets:
To rename or change the color of a Live Control, switch back to “Edit Mode” select the Live Control
and press the [Pick Color] or [Rename] button.
Go ahead and learn the other three knobs to the controls of the Mallets section of Mr. Ray.
Open Labs MiKo LXD Production Station Manual