To input a program, just follow the mnemonic code that was produced from
the ladder diagram, ensuring that the proper address is set before starting.
Once the proper address is displayed, input the first instruction word, and
input any operands required, pressing ENT after each operand is typed into
the Programming Console, i.e., ENT is pressed at the end of each line of the
mnemonic code. When ENT is pressed, the designated instruction will be
entered and the next display will appear. If the instruction requires two or
more words, the next display will indicate the next operand required and pro-
vide a default value for it. If the instruction requires only one word, the next
address will be displayed. Continue inputting each line of the mnemonic code
until the entire program has been entered.
When inputting numeric values for operands, it is not necessary to input lead-
ing zeros. Leading zeros are required only when inputting function codes
(see below). When designating operands, be sure to designate the data area
for all DR and LR addresses by pressing the corresponding data area key,
and to designate each constant by pressing CONT/#. CONT/# is not required
for counter or timer SVs (see below).TC numbers as bit operands (i.e., com-
pletion flags) are designated by pressing either TIM or CNT before the ad-
dress, depending on whether the TC number has been used to define a timer
or a counter. To designate an indirect DR address, press CH/
before DR.
The SV (set value) for a timer or counter is generally entered as a constant,
although inputting the address of a word that holds the SV is also possible.
When inputting an SV as a constant, CONT/# is not required; just input the
numeric value and press ENT. To designate a word, press CLR and then in-
put the word address as described above.
The most basic instructions are input using the Programming Console keys
provided for them. All other instructions are entered using function codes.
These function codes are always written after the instruction’s mnemonic. If
no function code is given, there should be a Programming Console key for
that instruction.
To input an instruction using a function code, set the address, press FUN,
input the function code, input any bit operands or definers required on the
instruction line, and then press ENT.
Note Enter function codes with care.
Key Sequence
[Instruction word]
The following program can be entered using the key inputs shown below.
Displays will appear as indicated.
Inputting SV for Counters
and Timers
Designating Instructions
Inputting the Program
Section 3-5