the PC. To gain access to the system when the “Password!” message ap-
pears, press CLR and then MON. Then press CLR to clear the display.
If the Programming Console is connected to the PC when PC power is al-
ready on, the first display below will indicate the mode the PC was in before
the Programming Console was connected. Ensure that the PC is in PRO-
GRAM mode before you enter the password. When the password is en-
tered, the PC will shift to the mode set on the mode switch, causing PC oper-
ation to begin if the mode is set to RUN. The mode can be changed to RUN
with the mode switch after entering the password.
Indicates the mode set by the mode selector switch.
Immediately after the password is input or anytime immediately after the
mode has been changed, SHIFT and then the 1 key can be pressed to turn
on and off the buzzer that sounds when Programming Console keys are
pressed. If BZ is displayed in the upper right corner, the buzzer is operative.
If BZ is not displayed, the buzzer is not operative.
This buzzer also will also sound whenever an error occurs during PC opera-
tion. Buzzer operation for errors is not affected by the above setting.
Designating the PC
When more than one PC is connected via a Link Adapter and the Program-
ming Console is connected to the Link Adapter, you must designate the PC
you are accessing. Use the following key sequence to specify the number of
the desired PC. The PC can be designated in either PROGRAM or RUN
0 PC 0Ć3?
PC ?
The PC’s operation or operation mode is not affected by changing the PC
designation. When the mode switch of the Programming Console and the
operation mode of the PC being monitored are identical, the following mes-
sage is displayed. The number in the top left corner indicates the number of
the PC being monitored, in this case PC #1.
Inputting the Program
Section 3-5