About this Manual:
This manual describes the installation and operation of the SYSMAC mini Programmable Controllers
and includes the sections described below. The SYSMAC mini PCs include the SP10, SP16, and the
SP20 and are called SP-series PCs in this manual. Please read this manual completely and be sure
you understand the information provide before attempting to install and operation any of the SP-se-
ries PCs.
Section 1 Introduction explains the background and some of the terms used in ladder-diagram pro-
gramming. It also provides an overview of the process of programming and operating a PC and
explains basic terminology used with OMRON PCs. Descriptions of the features of the SP-series PCs
and Units that comprise SP-series systems are also provided.
Section 2 Installation provides details on the installation environment and the wiring of the PC. The
dimensions of all components are also presented.
Section 3 Programming describes information necessary for programming SP-series PCs. The first
five subsections provide enough information to enable you to write, input, and execute a basic ladder-
diagram program. The remainder of this section provides more advanced programming information,
with 3–7 describing individually each instruction in the SP-series instruction set.
Section 4 Operation provides further information on operating SP-series PCs via the Programming
Console, such as monitoring, data modification, and Memory Card operations.
Section 5 Troubleshooting provides information on error indications. Information in this section is
also necessary when debugging a program.
The appendices provide tables of standard OMRON products available for the SP-series PCs, specifi-
cations, reference tables of instructions and Programming Console operations, and error and arithme-
tic flag operation. Also provided are several programming and data area assignment sheets that can
be copied out of the manual and used in developing programs.
Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in personal
injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section in its
entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and related
sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.