Chapter 2: Safety
If the AIV will be entering high-traffic areas, the user must take appropriate precautions to
alert people in those areas that a AIV might enter. If the traffic consists of other machines, the
user must adjust the AIV‘s and/or the other machine’s parameters to reduce the risk of a col-
Safety Scanning Laser Emergency Stop
If an obstacle enters the AIV’s immediate path, the safety scanning laser will trigger an emer-
gency stop. After the AIV has come to a complete stop, it will wait a minimum of two seconds
before resuming commanded motion, with no human intervention necessary.
If the obstacle is still in the AIV’s path, and there is adequate room, it will first attempt
to safely path plan and maneuver around the obstacle.
If the AIV can’t simply maneuver around the obstacle, it will search for another path to
reach its goal.
If it can’t find another path, it will wait for human intervention.
2.5 Intended Use
The LD Platform OEMs are not intended for use in any of the following situations:
In hazardous (explosive) atmospheres
In the presence of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation
In life-support systems
In residential installations
Where the equipment will be subject to extremes of heat or humidity
In mobile, portable, marine, or aircraft systems
The gyroscope used to assist in platform navigation requires a sta-
tionary environment for optimum accuracy. Therefore, we do not recommend
them for use on a ship, train, aircraft, or other moving environment.
The instructions for operation, installation, and main-
tenance given in this guide and the AIV user’s guide must be strictly
Non-intended Use
Non-intended use of LD Platform OEMs can:
11970-000 Rev H1
LD Platform OEM User's Guide