CI 200
What You Also Need to Know
Please pay attention to this section in order to find out more about the risks of carbon
monoxide poisoning or the reaction times of the CO alarm.
Symptoms Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
The following table indicates the symptoms which frequently occur according to the
exposure to carbon monoxide.
The symptoms could occur more quickly in the case of unborn children, infants,
pregnant women, senior citizens and people with heart or respiratory problems.
Concentration* Exposure and Symptoms
30 ppm
Maximum permissible concentration to which one may be exposed,
uninterrupted, for 8 hours ("maximum allowable concentration")
150 ppm
Slight headache after approx. 1.5 hours
200 ppm
Slight headache, tiredness, dizziness, nausea after approx. 2 to
3 hours
400 ppm
Headache in the forehead after 1 to 2 hours, life-threatening after
3 hours
800 ppm
Dizziness, nausea and cramp after approx. 45 minutes, unconscious
ness within 2 hours, fatal within 2 to 3 hours