CI 200
Normal mode
When operated below the threshold value, the CO alarm is in Normal mode.
The operating signal LED (3) flashes every 30 seconds. No acoustic alert signal is issued.
Fault mode
If a malfunction has occurred which impairs the functionality of the CO alarm, the CO
alarm signals a device fault.
The CO alarm issues a short acoustic signal every 30 seconds; the fault signal LED (2)
flashes accordingly.
Check the function of the CO alarm or change the CO alarm.
Alarm mode
If the CO alarm detects a critical concentration of carbon monoxide, it issues an alarm.
The CO alarm issues four short acoustic signals followed by a 5 second pause. The alarm
signal LED (1) flashes accordingly.
Other CO alarms linked in the network also issue an acoustic signal after the initial CO
alarm has been triggered. The signal issued by the linked CO alarms corresponds to that
issued by the initial CO alarm triggered. However, the operating signal LED (3) flashes in
the case of the linked CO alarms.