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Setup menu
In this submenu basic elements of the panel are adjusted.
5.2.1 Number of zones
By selecting «NUMBER OF ZONES» we select the number of zones
that the panel has. There a 3 option as shown on the adjacent screen.
The BS-1638 panel has 8 zones, the BS-1642 panel has 12 zones
and the BS-1646 panel has 16 zones.
This option has to be changes only if a zone card is installed or
removed. BS-1640 (4 zones) or the BS-1641 (4 zones).
5.2.2 Sirens
This option has 2 submenus as shown in the adjacent screen.
We can adjust the delay of each siren from 0 to 6 minutes. This delay
starts from when the panel issues and alarm until the siren is
sounded. The delay is very useful in case of false alarms.
The second option determines the capability of automatically re-
sounding the sirens when there is an alarm in a different zone. When
it is active then the sirens will sound when there is an alarm in a
different zone. In any other case they will not.
5.2.3 Aux Relay
The full function of the AUX relay is determined from the following options. The options «LOGIC AND»
and «LOGIC OR» determine when the auxiliary relay will be activated.
Figure 5-33. Auxiliary relay configuration