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The option «LOGIC AND» (cross zone) determines which zones must be simultaneously activated in
order for the relay to be activated. For example, in one installation we want zones 2 and 4 cross-zoned.
Then we must have the following selected
Figure 5-34. Logic AND (cross zone)
This means that the both zones, 2 and 4 must issue an alarm for the auxiliary relay to be activated. If we
also want to cross-zones Zone 8 press
And with the keys «UP» and «DOWN» we select 08 and press «ENTER».
Now the cross-zones zones are 2,4 and 8. If we want to remove a zone we follow the same procedure.
With the key «ESC» we can exit from this option.
«LOGIC OR» (instant activation logic) determines which zones instantly activate the auxiliary relay
during an alarm.
The setting procedure is identical to the «LOGIC AND» option.
Finally the delay of the auxiliary relay is set from 0 to 6 minutes.
Figure 5-35. Delay for the auxiliary relay